Residential Consultation And Design

We offer professional Residential Consultation And Design services for rainwater harvesting systems. We specialize in systems that are used for

  • Irrigation
  • Toilet
  • Laundry
  • Potable Drinking Water
  • Fire Suppression
  • Storm Water Detention
  • And Other Uses
residential consultation and design Canada

Who Is This Service For?

residential consultation and design blueprint showing the outside of a large house

Anyone who doesn’t know where to start!

Our design services allows you to have a “tender ready” rainwater design package so you can get quotes from your builder or contractors. Or Cleanflo can connect you with an approved installer in your area!


Homeowners who are building a new house!

Our designs will makes sure the system meets local building codes and is properly integrated into your house/property.


Architects and Engineers

We offer shop ready packages, design support, and 3D models so you can easily include our systems in your own plans.


Home builders or Contractors

Our designs include installation support so you are confident to install our systems.

Why Use Rainwater Collection Supply For Residential Consultation And Design services?

  • Professional Designs
  • Opportunity to determine any roadblocks before installation
  • Designed to meet your water conservation needs
  • Accurate installation budget for the designed rainwater harvesting system
  • Cleanflo can connect you with an approved installer in your area!
customer service guaranteed

Rainwater Harvesting Services – Residential Projects

Our goal is to design a rainwater system that both efficiently collects rainwater and that can be installed within your budget!   We strive to meet any design requirements and overcome any roadblocks that your project may face.

“Tender Ready“ Design Packages For Residential Projects

Design packages will provide a straightforward and simple process of designing your rainwater harvesting system into your project and provide you Rainwater Plans.   The Rainwater Plans will allow you to install the system or give them to your home builder or contractor to install for you.

Looking for installation & professionally designed system?

We are proud to be the authorized dealer of Clean Flo Water Technologies Rainwater Harvesting Systems: Rain Seeker, Rain Seeker Maximums, Vida Rainwater Appliance, Clean Flo NSF P151 Potable Roofing and gutters, and much more !

Visit Cleanflo Water Technologies Inc. For a free quote today. Click the icon below!

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